Our Programs

Awareness, Resonance and Spiritual Understanding ... Arasu


Teaching Reiki in a whole new way ...
Applying Reiki and Spiritual Understanding to your everyday life! 

Learn to become aware of the subconscious thoughts affecting your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies, as you reconnect to your soul and live a life of joy.
... Arasu Healing Arts.


Arasu Reiki Level 1, 2 -
Accessing Reiki: A Soul Unfolding

Whether you are a beginner or an experience practitioner, theArasu Reiki Level 1 & 2 Course is designed to take you on a journey deep within your self to your soul. 

This course is designed to establish a solid foundation of the basic principles of the natural healing system of Reiki. A comprehensive examination of energetic connections between the Reiki Ideals and practical daily life provides you with plenty of opportunities to process and integrate the ideas and concepts into your personal experience. This course focuses on your inward journey, healing your body, mind and spirit, while learning to work with others.

More than just a Reiki Class ... A Journey of Self to Soul. 

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Arasu Reiki Master:
Applied Reiki and Spiritual Understanding

This course is designed to systematically lead you through the process of decoding, analyzing and understanding your unique paradigm, while learning to heal your body, mind and spirit through applied Reiki and spiritual.understanding.

More than just a Reiki Class ... A Journey of Self to Soul. 

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Advanced Reiki Applications: Sequential Universe

The Advanced Reiki Applications: Sequential Course is designed to extrapolate out from the journey of the self into the adventure of exploring the energetic world and healing systems and along many different paths.

This course is designed specifically for those who have successfully completed the prerequisites:
Arasu Reiki Level 1, 2 - Accessing Reiki: A Soul Unfolding
Arasu Reiki Master: Applied Reiki and Spiritual Understanding

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Advancing Reiki As Souls Untether

This course provides the student with the opportunity to further explore the depth of the concepts and techniques, while developing the skills and confidence to work with others in a professional capacity.

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4 Benefits of Learning Reiki


Increases Awareness and Trust in you iIntuition.  Easy to learn, safe, natural and applicable to daily life.

Inner Peace

Decreases Anxiety & Worry, Enhances Inner Peace and emotional balance.  Soothes and Calms the Spirit.


Promotes a spirit of gentle Loving-Kindness, Gratitude and Compassion within your heart for yourself and others.


Establishes healthy boundaries to reclaim your power and establish your Divine Presence on Earth.

Learn to Apply Reiki and Spiritual Understanding to everyday life ... Arasu Reiki

Enhance your Awareness, Resonance and Spiritual Understanding with our comprehensive courses of study. Each course is designed for practical application in your daily life in a structured format to provide quality training for professional expertise.

Arasu Reiki Level 1 & 2 - Accessing Reiki: A Soul Unfolding

*3 Options of Study Now Available Online!

  • You will have a comprehensive understanding of the natural healing system of Reiki, how to access and use it to benefit yourself and others.
  • You will have access to the four traditional Usui Reiki Symbols.
  • You will know and understand the meaning and purpose of the Reiki Ideals.
  • You will understand and know how to use and apply the Three Pillars of Reiki.
  • You will be able to send and receive Reiki in person and through the use of the Distance Symbol.
  • You will have a basic understanding of your energetic body (chakras and aura), and how it relates to and affects your physical and emotional body.
  • You will have a complete system of healing to guide you and your clients through their healing process to obtain a life of love, compassion and joy.
See Course of Study Details

Arasu Reiki Master: Applying Reiki and Spiritual Understanding

*3 Options of Study Coming Soon Online!

  • You will understand how, where and why energetic contractions are formed in the human body and how to release and heal them.
  • You will have a better understanding of how limiting beliefs affect your life, how to recognize them, and how to release them.
  • You will be able to recognize and release ancestral beliefs, traumas, and fears from yourself and others.
  • You will have access to eight additional Reiki Symbols, know how to use them for the healing of yourself and others, and understand how their energies interact with the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.
  • You will have a greater understanding of the world around you, how you choose to perceive your experience and how the energetic properties within your environment affect you.
  • You will have the basic skills necessary to apply the healing techniques into your own practice and a clear understanding of what to look for in pursuing further training in a specific technique.
See Course of Study Details

Advanced Reiki Applications: Sequential Universe

*Prerequisite: Must have completed the Certification Requirements for both Arasu Reiki Level 1 & 2 and Arasu Reiki Master for admittance into this course.

  • You will have a clear understanding about your own intuitive gifts and which healing modalities resonate more with you.
  • You will have the confidence to fully step into your own professional healing arts practice.
  • You will have a solid understanding of the "why" and how different healing modalities work with different people at different times.  And you will intuitively know how to incorporate them into a professional healing session based on the needs of each individual client
  • You will have a comprehensive understanding of many healing modalities and how to intuitively incorporate them into a professional healing session based on the needs of each individual client. 
  • You will have the tools and resources you need to continue your own healing journey while guiding others along their own paths.
See Course of Study Details

"Jelan is an open energetic vessel and allows complete surrender. She resonates with her clients, giving them the perfect experience from beginning to most excellent end."

Lea Shato
Ninth Radiant Gate Bodywork

"Jelan is a natural teacher and master meditation leader! It is so pleasant to be in the sacred space that she creates. Jelan is also eager to be of service and impart skills and experience to every student and seeker. I am most blessed to have taken Holy Fire Reiki from her and double blessed by my fellow studentsā€™ presence. I am looking forward to further expanding my repertoire with Jelan"

Cheryl Denman

"Jelanā€™s healing sessions helped me to move through a challenging personal time in my life in a way that conventional therapies could not. I am so grateful for her ability to truly listen in a deep and honest way, then gently guide me toward unveiling my own inner truth. Her presence is subtle, empowering and transformational. What a blessing Jelan has been in my life!"

Jessie Tierney
Experienced ā€“ Registered Yoga Teacher

"Beautiful talented lady who makes you feel relaxed, centered and special, whether you just stop in to say hi or get a treatment or take one of her classes. Jelan is truly a gift!"

Assunta Napoleone

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