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Break the Energetic Separation. See the Divine Light in Everyone

Today, I challenge you to acknowledge the divine light within yourself and recognize that same divine light in everyone you see before you.

Acknowledge the divine light in the one you despise, in the one you would hate, in the one you avoid. 

You do not need to agree with their choices or politics.  Those are simply choices of expression.  Acknowledge - truly pause and acknowledge - the divine light in the one before you; even if, they are choosing to express their divinity in a way that is out of resonance with your own vibrational frequency.  

Just try it and see what happens. 

And here’s why:

The more you feel the need to define who and what you are, the more you create energetic separation.

Now, I am not talking about equality or any kind of political agenda.

I am talking about what takes place internally within your own energetic field.

We all want to be unique and special.

We all want our voices to be heard and our plight to be witnessed and understood.

We all want atrocities to be vanquished and oppression ceased.

But, when we choose to define ourselves as different - other than - those around us, it creates an energetic barrier of separation.  It becomes an us vs them situation.

The current emotionally charged political movements in the name of equality and justice energetically create division and separation not only between you and your fellow citizens, but more importantly between you and your connection to God or Creation.  The venomous emotional charge separates you from the aspect of Creation that runs through the whole of the loving Universe.

It is important to understand this energetic element of separation. 

What are your defining labels?

How are they serving you?

Why are they so important for you to define and defend?

The truth of who and what you are has nothing to do with your race, sexual orientation or preferences, gender, religious beliefs or anything other defining aspect of identity.

The truth of who you are - who everyone is - is a living, breathing aspect of creation, a divine expression of God.

This is true for EVERYONE - not just those you would deem as worthy, good enough, spiritual enough, kind enough - but for every living soul - everyone.

The moment you define yourself as different than another, you have created energetic separation, you have chosen to cut yourself off from the flow of the loving Universe, and have stepped out of union with your Source.

Understand, that this concept, this idea has nothing to do with our laws or social agreements to governance, or preferences.

Recognizing the divine light in another does not pardon them for their actions. I am not talking about natural consequences, accountability or responsibility.  I am talking about separation. The one on trial is still accountable and responsible for the actions and choices they have made, and they still hold the same inherent divinity as you. 

The moment you point your finger, cast judgment, or define yourself as other than, you have energetically chosen to separate yourself from the flow of unconditional love. 

You have chosen to create a barrier that closes down your heart center.  And, you have chosen to diminish your own light. 

  • Recognizing the divine light in everyone you see before you, keeps your heart center open while you work on healing your emotional triggers. 
  • Recognizing the divine light in everyone you see before you, keeps you connected to the whole of the loving Universe. 
  • Recognizing the divine light in everyone before you, keeps you in the highest vibration available to you in each moment.

So, just for today I challenge you to acknowledge the divine light within yourself and recognize that same divine light in everyone you see before you.  


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